It’s an art of shaping your dreams into a lasting design or a website that will serve as a bridge between your business objectives and your target audience. We are a friendly bunch of thinkers, designers and techies constantly delivering great websites and one such project is Dorje Films.
We affiliated with Dorje films – a film production company brought to life by a solitary director (Shruti Vohra) providing services by lock stock and barrel right from pre-production, shooting to post-production. We are the official marketing partners and have acknowledged responsive designs for a handful of projects. We preferred constructing a minimalist website consisting of just one webpage, faster loading times, and better compatibility between screen sizes along with a visual representation rather than heavy content-based website. In broader sense, | the website encompasses all the actions, updates, and operations required to build, maintain, and manage a website to ensure its performance and user experience. Her clientele was worth mentioning as she has worked on large scale, key projects in the corporate world. It was imperative to mention her accomplishments, awards and testimonials as people tend to judge her worth in the creative industry. The website demonstrates the number of clients she rendered her services to and her former projects. Exhibiting all the indispensable information helped her hit enormous number of clients. |

We have envisioned to become the finest and most passionate Website developing team globally. Our hunger to remain the best keeps us going!
Dorje Films
Project Type
Communication Design
Services Provided
Brand Identity Design
Pitch Deck Design